Cardiff West Community High School



Please see below the support that Welsh Water are offering over the summer holidays 2024:




Please see this new video from Mrs N Richards - Deputy Head 









Information for parents from Deputy Headteacher Natalie Richards






Welcome to our Transition Event 2021/22 here at Cardiff West Community High School.

We have uploaded all the information you will need to our Transition tab

Please click here for a direct link!





Please see below some links to various websites offering help and support surrounding COVID anxiety.  If we can help as a school, please do get in touch.




Term dates updated







This morning we have received confirmation that a pupil in Year 9 has tested positive for COVID-19. The pupil has not been in school since Friday 18th September. 

We have taken guidance this morning and are acting swiftly which guidance tells us that all Year 9 pupils will isolate at home for the next 14 days. This does mean at home and not mixing in the community. This may seem a hard situation but this is in line with current government laws and to keep you and your families safe.

Letters will be sent home and also placed here on the website on the news page.

Year 9 Students are expected to return on Monday 5th October





As most of you already know, I worked with a number of students (and Ceri of course!!) over lockdown to produce a collection of short stories and poems detailing students' (and our) feelings and experiences during our stint at home. I am now very excited to announce that our manuscript has been finalised and Let’s Talk Lockdown has gone in to print! 

In addition to celebrating students as published authors, profits from this book will be paid to NHS Charities Together to support the NHS. Books will cost £6 each and will be available to collect from Monday 12th October. 

To order a copy, please reply to this email and send payment to me (room 1038) , by Friday 2nd October. As it's being self-published through my account, I will need to take payment before I can order, hence the delayed delivery. 



Return to school information September 2020.






