Staff 2024-25
Senior Leadership Team
Mike Tate - Headteacher
Victoria Evans - Deputy Headteacher
Kathryn Stevens - Deputy Headteacher
Felicity Mitchell - Assistant Headteacher
Rhiannon Pritchard - Assistant Headteacher
Rhys Pritchard - Assistant Headteacher
Additional Learning Needs and Provisions
Bex Davies-Cox - ALNCo
Geraldine Union - Accelerate lead teacher
Louise Avenell - Teaching assistant
Julia O'Keefe - Teacher of nurture provision
Nana Baah - Progress Lead Provisions
Chris Cox - Curriculum Lead Provisions
Vickie Blackburn - Teaching assistant
Sarah Botfield - Outreach HLTA
Sarah Burt - Nurture HLTA
Sarah Cross - Nurture HLTA
Rose Dale - Teaching assistant
Abi Davies - Teacher of accelerate provision
Sue Downes - Teaching assistant
Rhiannon Godden - Teacher of accelerate provision
Joanne Hamed - Teaching assistant
Luke Bridgeman- Teacher of BESD provision
Simon Jenkins - Outreach HLTA
Taylor March - Teaching assistant
Ryan Malton - Teaching assistant
Julia O'Keefe - Teacher of ALN provision
Alison Younis - Teaching assistant
Essam Nazzal - Online Outreach HLTA
Kelly Patterson - Provisions HLTA
English and Literacy
Matthew Evans - Area Lead
Darcy Killin - Leader of learning, English
Victoria Ashford - Teacher of English and literacy
Demi-Louise Hayes - Teaching assistant
Alana Morris - Literacy co-ordinator
Noel Murray - Literacy intervention support
Clare Owen - Teacher of English and literacy
Tracey Sullivan-Godfrey - Teacher of English and literacy
Katy Williams - Teacher of English and literacy
Sarah Johns - Teacher of English and literacy
Expressive Arts
Naomi Davies - Area Lead
Ellie Thomas - Teacher of expressive arts
Ellie Donald - Teacher of expressive arts
Ffion Evans - Teacher of expressive arts
Alex Hiscocks - Teacher of expressive arts
Laura Morgan - Teacher of expressive arts - Progress lead, year 7
Edward Fletcher - Teacher of expressive arts
Kelly Murphy - Hairdressing tutor
Danielle Stokes - Hairdressing technician
Health and Wellbeing
Stefan Sankala - Area Lead
Fraser Donkin - Teacher of health and wellbeing
Stacey Grew - Teacher of health and wellbeing - Progress lead, year 8
Lindsay Lewis - Teacher of health and wellbeing
Jack Smyth - Teacher of health and wellbeing
Marius Walters - Cover supervisor
Mike Knight - Area Lead
Dan Cain - Leader of learning, humanities
Lindsey Davies - Teacher of humanities - Progress lead, year 10
Rebecca Nation - Teacher of humanities
Terri Hill - Teacher of humanities
Sarah Wilkins - Head of Department
Louise Stanwyck - Teacher of Welsh
Trystan Jones - Teacher of Welsh
Carlos Sanchez - Teacher of languages
Mathematics and Numeracy
Samantha Lomasney - Area Lead
Tristan Bradley - Leader of learning, maths and numeracy
Tim Curtis - Numeracy Co-ordinator
Jon Davies - Numeracy intervention support
Gerry O'Keefe - Teacher of maths and numeracy
James Evans - Teacher of maths and numeracy
Sara Thomas - Teacher of maths and numeracy - progress lead, year 9
Hannah Mitchem - Teacher of maths and numeracy
Science and Information Technology
Paul Brooks - Area Lead
Claire Burns - Leader of learning, science
Matt Rawlings - Leader of learning, ICT
Amin Hadeagh-Paur - Teacher of science
Lloyd Birt - Teacher of ICT and health and wellbeing
Gwyn Davies - Science technician
Matthew Turner - Teacher of science
Anna Everitt - Teacher of ICT and business studies - Progress lead, 6th form
Vicky Phillips - Teacher of science - Progress lead, year 11
Andrew Sartain - Teacher of science
Hamara Sattar - Teacher of science
Specialist Resource Base
Bella Giamei - SRB lead teacher
Cian House - SRB teacher
Laura Ashton - SRB HLTA
Maddison Burt - SRB HLTA
Deb Rhys-Harries - SRB HLTA
Misha Burrows - SRB teaching assistant
Ceri DaCruz - SRB teaching assistant
Luke Harry - SRB teaching assistant
Lesley Hazelwood - SRB teaching assistant
Anne Chivers - Head of department
Thomas Marindire - Teacher of technology
Kayleigh Prosser - Teacher of technology
Agnes Van-Veen - Teacher of technology
Julie Davies - Teacher of technology
Gaynor Edwards - Business Manager
Giten Kapdee - Network Manager
Ryan Andrews - Community Manager
Katey Cairns - Finance officer
Rene Chow - Administration officer
Bethan Lewis - Administration officer
Donna Radford - Administration officer
Attendance Support
Jayne Coughlin - Cluster attendance officer
Kelly Light - Cluster attendance officer
Michelle Ackerman - Year 7 safeguarding and attendance officer
Mary Brennan - Year 8 safeguarding and attendance officer
Sarah Cross - Year 9 safeguarding and attendance officer
Ginny Hodgetts - Year 10 safeguarding and attendance officer
Sally Mohammed - Year 11 safeguarding and attendance officer
Guy Handley - Estates manager
John Gauci - Estates officer
Andrew Miller - Estates officer
Examination and Data
Donna Frowen - Data manager
Lindsey Martin - Sixth form data and administration support
Rhiannon Simmonds - Examination officer
Learning and Ethos Support
Ben Bell - Year 7 Learning and ethos officer
Camron George - Year 8 Learning and ethos officer
Gemma Cody - Year 9 Learning and ethos officer
Paolo Carpanini - Year 10 Learning and ethos officer
Luke Windells - Year 11 Learning and ethos officer
Tracey Evans and Emma Stubbley - Provisions Learning and ethos officer
Soraya Kelly - Family engagement officer
Susie Shepherd - First aid
Karen Howells - Wellbeing Manager
Dan Marsh - Mental health practitioner